You've likely heard of mosquito repellents that emit ultrasound. It might be a plug-in device, a battery-operated one, or you can download an app for your mobile if you like. Choices are plenty. But have you ever wondered what it is about ultrasound that prevents those tiny pests from coming in? Or, how do these devices work? Short answer: they don't! Well, that's a … [Read more...] about How do ultrasonic mosquito repellents work?
Did You Know?
A cup of coffee for pollinators: are bees addicted to caffeine?
Bees! The little critters that our life here on Earth depends on. They're hard-working, queen-worshiping, sugar-loving social beings, just like ourselves. Even more so, they are, according to science, addicted to caffeine. Wait, what? What is actually going on, where do bees get a cup of coffee, are they addicted to it, and what's caffeine after all? Let's find … [Read more...] about A cup of coffee for pollinators: are bees addicted to caffeine?
Do insects have brains
Have you ever wondered if insects have brains? Can creatures so tiny as mosquitoes or even bees have brains inside their skulls? The short answer is yes, insects do have brains, and surprisingly, quite sophisticated ones. Just like our own, insect brains are complex structures divided into specific regions, each designated to handle certain types of information. … [Read more...] about Do insects have brains
How can queen bees or ants keep laying eggs without having sex ever again?
Queens are peculiar, especially insect queens like bees and ants. They reproduce early in life and then lay eggs for the remainder of their lives without mating again. Most even stay within their nests. How is this possible? The secret lies in a specialized organ called the spermatheca. It is a sac-like structure (its name means "sperm case" in Greek) that can hold and … [Read more...] about How can queen bees or ants keep laying eggs without having sex ever again?
Why insects don’t take fall damage? Or do they?
Let's dive into the science of insect acceleration toward the ground. Insects are small and lightweight and appear to get away from injuries when they fall from great heights and even when we step on one. Thus, it's natural to wonder if they are actually invincible. So the question is, do insects take fall damage? Let's find out. Many insects fly. Let's just get the … [Read more...] about Why insects don’t take fall damage? Or do they?
Why only female mosquitoes need blood
You may have heard that male mosquitoes don't bite humans; only females do so. But have you ever thought about why it is so? Why do females need blood, but males don't. And even more so, what do males eat then? Let's find out! Female mosquitoes bite humans because they have to produce eggs and thus need better nutrition. And better nutrition, of course, is blood. How … [Read more...] about Why only female mosquitoes need blood
Do wild animals get cancer?
We usually view cancer as a consequence of our poor lifestyle choices and unnatural living. However, wild animals don't smoke, eat burgers or stress about their work assignments. So it begs the question: do wild animals get cancer? The short answer is yes, wild animals do get cancer, and it isn't shocking news if you understand how cancers arise. After all, healthy … [Read more...] about Do wild animals get cancer?
What are proteins?
I often mention in my articles how the body makes proteins, how proteins transport cholesterol, or how DNA codes for proteins. You also might know from food packaging and sports drink advertisements that proteins are an essential part of your diet and you need them badly. This is all true, but do you know what proteins actually are? Let's zoom in on them. In a … [Read more...] about What are proteins?
How many genes do you share with your relatives?
It's easy to calculate how many genes you share with your parents, children, siblings, and other relatives. Given the fact that parents pass half of their genes to their children, and siblings share half of their genes, the rest is just math. To determine this, you just have to divide genetic relatedness each time you go up or down a step in a family tree, or sideways. For … [Read more...] about How many genes do you share with your relatives?
From where do trees get their mass?
As a kid, I remember, I was fascinated with how a tree can grow from a tiny seed. I wondered where their bodies came from and how trees get their mass if it obviously is not stored in the seed? My assumption at the time was that all that stuff must come from the soil, but damn, I was wrong. Years later, when I studied biology, I learned that Jan Baptist van Helmont, a … [Read more...] about From where do trees get their mass?